
The management get transported from their air-conditioned homes to their air-conditioned cars into their air-conditioned offices with fat pay cheques and allowances.Allowance means the same as in sentence .

A. a.We permit a total baggage allowance of 23 kg per person
B. b.The plan makes no allowance for bad weather
C. c.Employees get an allowance for clothing , but there is no dress requirement


Have you finished the balance sheets yet ?Balance means the same as in sentence .

A. a.We should find a balance between work and our personal lives .
B. b.My bank balance is always low at the end of the month .
C. c.I had to really try to keep my balance on the crowded train

① Which of the following statements does the author support?

A. a. Hard work pays.
B. b Smart people don 't work hard.
C. c. Smart pcople contribute more of their life to work.

②What's the main dffrence between a labourer' s work and a manager'swork?

A. a. Labourers work outdoors and managers work indoors.
B. b. Labourers work with their body and managers work with theiri brain.
C. c.Labourers work in groups and managers work individually.

③Which of the following can be defined as a smart worker?

A. a. In order to impress his boss, James refuses to ask for help and works lateinto night to get the job done.
B. b.At he end of each day, Alred spends 10-l5 minutes planing the next day.
C. c.Jeff finds it hard to focus on tasks and has to work overtime to get his work done.
