
Take care of a good name: for this shall continue with thee, more than athousand treasures precious and great. (Ecclesiasticus 41:15)爱惜自己的美名,因为这将在你身上长存,比成千上万的珍宝还珍贵而伟大。(便西拉智训41:15)


I think faith is a vice, because faith means believing a proposition whenthere is no good reason for believing it. (Bertrand Russell,“The Existenceand Nature of God”) 我认为信仰是一种恶习,因为信仰意味当你没有充分的理由就相信一个命题。(罗素,”存在和上帝的本质”)

You want to be very careful about lying; otherwise you are nearly sure to getcaught. (MarkTwain,“Advice toYouth”) 你要非常小心说谎;否则几乎肯定你亲近的人迟早会知道。(对年轻的MarkTwain的建议)

There is no definitive way to prove any one set of religious beliefs to theexclusion of all others. For that reason religious freedom is a human right.(Richard Paul and Linda Elder, The Miniature Guide to Understanding theFoundations of Ethical Reasoning) 没有明确的方法来证明任何一套宗教信仰能排除所有其他人。因此,宗教自由是一项人权。(理查德·保罗和琳达·埃尔德,《理解宇宙伦理推理基础的微型指南》

Science is based on experiment, on a willingness to challenge old dogma, on an openness to see the universe as it really is.Accordingly, science sometimes requires courage—at the very least the courage to question the conventional wisdom. (Carl Sagan, Broca’s Brain: Refilections on the Romance of Science) 科学是建立在实验的基础上,建立在愿意挑战旧教条的基础上,一种看到宇宙真实面目的开放。因此,科学有时需要勇气——至少是质疑传统的勇气智慧。(卡尔·萨根《布洛卡的大脑:对科学传奇的反思》)
