灯笼是中国传统的照明工具,在中国,灯笼又代表喜庆。传统的灯笼外层为宣纸蜡烛在里面燃烧The ____, denglong, is the _____ of China, which also ____ merit and joy. The traditional denglong is covered by ____ with candle burning inside
光透过宣纸映出来. 灯笼的形式有很多种. 人们喜欢把它装饰得各式各样再画上美丽吉祥的图案Lights ____ the gossamer rice paper. Deng longs ____. People like to ____ deng longs and paint beautiful and ____ on them
过年的时候点几盏吉祥如意的灯笼.元宵节的时候一家人一起赏灯笼We light several denglongs which symbolize happiness and good luck during the Chinese New Year, and ____ denglong shows with family during ____
现在灯笼还用在各种大型的庆典活动中. 灯笼照亮了节日的夜晚.欢乐就在这各式各样的灯笼中传递到千家万户Now denglongs are still used in all kinds of _____. Denglongs ____. Merit and joy ____ different families by these different lanterns
现代信息技术中的3C,是指计算机技术、控制技术和( )。
A. 多媒体技术
B. 通信技术
C. 光电技术
D. 人工智能技术