Group 3:1. Good, it gave me a real ______ to see her again after so many years.2. She was determined to ______ her fear of flying because her employer wanted to send her on business overseas.3. The ______ caused extensive damage, shattering the ground-floor windows.4. Plants, insects and animals continue to survive and ______ even after a specific species disappears.5. The plan will be submitted to the committee for official ______ .A. blastB. conquerC. thrive D. approvalE. thrill
Group 4:1. He had a peculiar feeling ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____, a feeling that was caused beyond the sickness, beyond the shock.2. Please don't always ____ ____ your money when we are having dinner because it will embarrass us.3. They all ____ ____ fifty pounds and bought their mother a trip to New Zealand.4. We ____ ____ on meal at a new restaurant in New York.5. I wouldn't want the pressure she has at her job, but she seems to ____ ____ it.A. thrive on B. chipped in C. in the pit of his stomach D. whip out E. went Dutch
亚里士多德说:“古往今来人们开始哲理探索,都应起于对自然万物的惊异。一个有所迷惑与惊异的人,每每惭愧自己的愚昧无知,他们探索哲理的目的就是为了脱出愚蠢。”这句话意在说明( )①哲学的智慧是从人们的主观情绪中产生的 ②哲学源于人们对实践的追问和对世界的思考 ③人们创造哲学最终是为了满足人们的好奇心 ④哲学的任务在于指导人们正确地认识世界和改造世界
A. ①②
B. ③④
C. ②④
D. ①③
被称为美国人之父的富兰克林,年轻时曾去拜访一位德高望重的老前辈。那时他年轻气盛,挺胸抬头迈着大步,一进门,他的头就狠狠地撞在门框上。出来迎接他的前辈笑笑说,“很痛吧!可是,这将是你今天访问我的最大收获。一个人要想平安无事地活在世上,就必须时刻记住:该低头时就低头。”富兰克林撞上门框,获得了哲学启迪,这一事例说明的道理是( )
A. 人们在实践活动中都能形成哲学智慧
B. 哲学的智慧产生于人类的实践活动
C. 认识世界、办好事情,都需要哲学智慧
D. 哲学是一门使人聪明、给人智慧的学问
被称为美国人之父的富兰克林,年轻时曾去拜访一位德高望重的老前辈。那时他年轻气盛,挺胸抬头迈着大步,一进门,他的头就狠狠地撞在门框上。出来迎接他的前辈笑笑说,“很痛吧!可是,这将是你今天访问我的最大收获。一个人要想平安无事地活在世上,就必须时刻记住:该低头时就低头。”富兰克林的经历告诉我们,低姿态是一种哲学智慧,可以更好地发展自己,成就自己。这启示我们( )
A. 哲学是系统化、理论化的世界观
B. 任何哲学都给人以智慧,使人更聪明
C. 不懂哲学的人,就无法生存和工作
D. 哲学是指导人们生活得更好的艺术