69. Mr. Smith owns ______ collection of coins than anyone else I have ever met.
A. larger
B. a larger
C. the larger
D. a large
70. The number of people present at the concert was ____ than expected. There were many tickets left.
A. much smaller
B. much more
C. much larger
D. many more
表面模型计算机数据存储包括哪几个表( )。
A. 点表
B. 环表
C. 面表
D. 边表
常用的实体模型表达方法有( )。
A. 扫描法
C. 边界表示法
D. 综合表示法
关于线框建模,以下描述正确的是( )
A. 具有二义性
B. 用点、线和面描述模型
C. 数据运算简单
D. 占有存储空间小