
During their first winter,over half of the settlers died of_______()

A. starvation
B. epidemics
C. starvation or epidemics
D. bad weather


Thanksgiving food includes______()

A. plum pudding,mincepies
B. walnuts and grapes
C. cranberry juice and squash
D. all the above

Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on_______every year()

A. the third Thursday in December
B. the fourth Thursday in December
C. the fourth Tuesday in December
D. the third Tuesday in December

On the day of Christmas, all_______are forgotten and the community comes together to celebrate the birth of Christ()

A. misunderstandings
B. grudges
C. misunderstandings and grudges
D. happiness

Why was Thanksgiving Day celebrated()

A. To thank God for delicious food
B. To thank God for health
C. To thank God for the good harvest
D. To thank God for the May Flower
