
From 700 B.C., the Celts came from the__ and began to inhabit British Isles()

A. Iberian Peninsula
B. Lower Rhineland
C. Scandinavian countries
D. Upper Rhineland


The teacher entered the classroom,_by a group of children()

A. having followed
B. following
C. having been followed
D. followed

Great Britain is on its way to withdraw from__()

A. the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
B. the United Nations Security Council
C. the European Union
D. the Group of Seven

_a girl had fallen into the river, he took off his coat and jumped into the water()

A. Having found
B. Having been found
C. Finding
D. Found

Which of the following wasNOTa thing of value left behind by Romans()

A. cities
B. enormous wealth
C. the Roman Roads
D. Welsh Christianity
