One of the characteristics that have made Mark Twain a major literary figure in the 19th century America is his use of_________.
A. vernacular
B. interior monologue
C. sonnet
D. dark romanticism
A. 唯物论与唯心论的对立
B. 可知论与不可知论的对立
C. 辨证法与形而上学的对立
D. 唯物史观与唯心史观的对立
Mark Twain’sDisgraceful Persecution of a Boyis a scathing piece of criticism directed against the persecution of the _________ immigrants in California.
A. French
B. Mexican
C. Japanese
D. Chinese
Choose the work that was NOT written by Mark Twain.
A. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
B. Innocents Abroad
C. Life on the Mississippi
D. The Wings of the Dove