Q: What is the warning posted on Chongqing's special sidewalk for mobile users?A:Walk in this lane ___________.
Q: According to the Associated Press, how did pedestrians react to the similar experiment launched in Washington D.C.?A: Many pedestrians simply _______________, while some took photos of the signage.
Q: What is the Chinese actor Xing Xing’s point of view towards setting up special sidewalks?A: Setting up special sidewalks could be a solution in particular situations, but it could be an indulgence for____________ in the long run and could even lead to more problems in the future.
A. 促进子宫内膜增生,由增生期转为分泌期
B. 促进女性性器官发育成熟
C. 抑制促性腺激素分泌激素
D. 抑制乳腺分泌乳汁
E. 抗雄激素作用
A. 痛经止痛
B. 功能性子宫出血
C. 先兆流产
D. 子宫内膜异位症
E. 不孕症