
Fill in the blanks with the words given below. changing the form if necessary. Fill in each blank with one word only.habitimportanceelectricinvolverecenttraditioncelebratemeasurecheer5. It's a(n) _________ to sing “Jingle Bells”at Christmas.


Fill in the blanks with the words given below. changing the form if necessary. Fill in each blank with one word only.habitimportanceelectricinvolverecenttraditioncelebratemeasurecheer6. These classes help members learn how to change their eating ________ .

Fill in the blanks with the words given below. changing the form if necessary. Fill in each blank with one word only.habitimportanceelectricinvolverecenttraditioncelebratemeasurecheer7. In some way, he ______________ several of his friends in the trouble.

Fill in the blanks with the words given below. changing the form if necessary. Fill in each blank with one word only.habitimportanceelectricinvolverecenttraditioncelebratemeasurecheer8. In the end, he realized the _________ of foreign languages.

“二十四桥明月夜”诗句出自( )。

A. 杜牧的《寄扬州韩绰判官》
B. 杜甫的《望岳》
C. 李商隐的《锦瑟》
D. 李白的《赠汪伦》
