根据材料请回答 41~45 题
One day more than fifty years ago, a young man had an accident on his motor-bike in which he suffered a few apparently minor injuries.There was a bruise (淤青) on the left side of his forehead and some slight bleeding from his left ear.He was taken to hospital for examination but X-rays did not reveal any other injuries. Nevertheless, the doctor who was treating him decided to keep him in hospital for further observations because the young man was having difficulty in speaking and seemed very confused.
At the time of the accident, the young man was 22 years old, and the date was Au-gust, 1933.A week later, he was able to carry on what seemed a perfectly normal conver-sation.However, he told the doctor that he was only 11 years old and that the date was February, 1922.What is more, he could not remember anything that had happened since 1922.For example, he could not recall having spent five years in Australia, or coming back to England and working for two years on a golf course.
As time went by, part of his memory of the eleven missing years come back.A few weeks later, he even remembered his years in Australia.But the two years of his life just before the accident were still a completely a blank.Three weeks after his injury, he went back to the village where he had been living for those two years.Everything seemed unfa-miliar and he did not recall ever having been there before.Despite this, he was able to take up his old job again in the village and to do it satisfactorily.But he often got lost when walking around the village and found it difficult to remember what he had done during the day.
Slowly, however, his memory continued to return so that, about ten weeks after the accident, he could even remember most of the previous two years.There remained only one complete gap in his memory: he could remember absolutely nothing about what.he had done a few minutes immediately before the accident or the accident itself. This part of his memory never came back.
第 41 题 When did the accident happen?