is the most powerful driving force in one's pursuit of knowledge.
A. Confusion
B. Sentiment
D. Curiosity
A. 买了三本
B. 去了三次
C. 看了三天
D. 踢了三脚
After teaching grade school for a year or so, she felt alove for the pupils.
A. generous
B. genuine
C. modest
D. dependable
A. 亭亭的舞女的裙
B. 鲁镇的酒店的格局
C. 他的“互动式教学”的做法
D. 低垂的梨树枝头上的小鸟
Donations from alumni (校友)are an important source of the university's income. But research funds comefrom the government.
A. shortly
B. seemingly
C. primarily
D. abruptly