You are the network administrator for Two users, Peter and Keith, share a Windows 2000 Professional computer. The computer remains logged on with a shared user account named Kiosk at all times. Peter has limited dexterity, which prevents him from using the standard keyboard when completing his daily computing tasks. You configure his Windows 2000 Professional computer to use on-screen keyboard and ToggleKeys option. You have the accessibility option settings to the desktop. Keith does not want to use the on-screen keyboard when he uses the computer. You need to enable both users to quickly switch between their preferred settings. What should you do?()
A. Create a roaming user profile for the Kiosk user account.
B. Create an .acw file containing Peter’s preferred settings and save it to the desktop.
C. Run the Accessibility wizard and selectRestore Defaults.
D. Use Task Manager to end the Explorer.exe process.
【背景资料】某工业厂房车间3层,7度抗震设防。高度20m,长度为70m,独立基础,结构形式为砌体承重结构。在建成使用几个月后发现底层局部地面呈锅底形下沉,砼地面脱落、开裂,后来又发生墙体开裂,裂缝呈正八字裂缝和斜向裂缝,裂缝宽度达1mm~2mm,一般分布在底层中下部,且首先在窗对角突破,严重影响了建筑物的使用和工厂面貌,给工厂造成了重大的经济损失。经翻阅资料发现,该仓房实际上处于软弱土层,且为淤泥质土,地勘报告不准确;最终认定是由于地面不均匀沉降造成的危害。 请根据背景资料完成以下选项 对于砌体承重结构,控制建筑物的长高比及合理布置纵横墙增强其整体刚度和强度,如控制三层和三层以上房屋的长高比不大于2.5()
A. 正确
B. 错误
A. 知识分子教育民众放弃激进主义,超越并冲破传统模式。
B. 在人的解放这一目标还没有实现时,知识分子必须冲破传统的思想模式。
C. 重新树立五四新文化运动的精神,进行持久的、全面的、认真的启蒙。
D. 铲除专制主义和蒙昧主义,致力于维护自然演进的秩序。
A. 正确
B. 错误
You use a Windows 2000 Professional portable computer both at the office and at home. In the office you connect the portable computer to a docking station and use Internet Explorer to access the Internet through your LAN connection. At home, you configure a new dial-up connection to the Internet. Now when you attempt to access the Internet from the office you are prompted to connect via your dial-up connection. When you cancel this message, you can only work offline and cannot access the Internet. You want to maintain your dial-up connection for home use and your ability to access the Internet when connected to the company LAN. What should you do?()
A. Reconfigure the dial-up connection to dial-up to a private network.
B. Create another connection that uses a virtual private network (VPN) to connect a private network though the Internet.
Configure Internet Explorer to automatically detect proxy settings.
D. Configure Internet Explorer to dial whenever a network connection is not present.