
Does that tea have enough sugar in it?()

A. Yes, it is. Thank you.
B. Yes, it does. Thank you.
C. Yes, I will. Thank you.
D. Yes, I do. I like it.



A. 不变
B. 增大
C. 减少
D. 不—定增大或减少

Consider the following statement on a RANGE partitioned table: ALTER TABLE orders DROP PARTITION p1, p3; What is the outcome of executing the above statement?()

A syntax error will result as you cannot specify more than one partition in the same statement
B. All data in p1 and p3 partitions are removed and the table definition is changed
C. All data in p1 and p3 partitions are removed, but the table definition remains unchanged
D. Only the first partition (p1) will be dropped as only one can be dropped at any time


A. 30
B. 60
C. 90
D. 120


A. 晚幼粒细胞
B. 杆状核和分叶核细胞
C. 原始粒细胞、早幼粒细胞、中幼粒细胞
D. 4~5次
E. 2~3次
