A. 省级以上人民政府卫生行政部门批准
B. 由各医院批准
C. 医疗机构自采自用
D. 血站
E. 以上都不正确
Select valid reasons for IT performance issues that cannot be universally solved by adding more hardware:()
A. adding hardware may exacerbate inefficiency, which can lead to over provisioning and lower utilization
B. performance may degrade due to bottlenecks such as database connections that won’t scale in lock step with other dimensions such as computing capacity or memory
C. both A and B are valid
D. neither A nor B are valid
A. 正确
B. 错误
A. 雪球抽样
B. 配额抽样
C. 判断抽样
D. 方便抽样
A. 宣告破产时破产企业经营管理的全部财产
B. 破产企业在破产宣告后至破产程序终结前所取得的财产
C. 应当由破产企业行使的其他财产权利
D. 已作为担保物的财产