【多选题】What are the gaseous hydrocarbons under normal conditions of temperature and pressure?
A. Methane;
B. Ethane;
C. Propane;
D. Butane;
E. Benzene
【多选题】How many liters is the one barrel of crude oil?
A. 1859;
B. 1949;
C. 1959;
D. 159;
E. 1939
【多选题】which one can flow easier for the crude oil and formation water?
A. Both are the same;
B. Crude oil;
C. Formation water;
D. Uncertain
【多选题】What is the physical unit of viscosity?
B. Mpa·s;
C. mpa·s;
D. mPa.s;
E. MPa·S;
F. mPa·s
【多选题】What is the physical sysmbol of viscosity?
A. μ;
B. V;
C. U;
D. u;
E. ω