

A. 慢性咳嗽,晨起咳频伴吐大量浓痰
B. 咳嗽伴声嘶,吸气性呼吸困难
C. 发作性咳嗽时面红耳赤,鸡鸣样回声,日轻夜重
D. 咳嗽频繁,为阵发性刺激性呛咳
E. 咳嗽伴有喘鸣声,以夜间和清晨多见,反复发作



A. 肾功能不全
B. 患者血压明显升高,伴有剧烈头痛、呕吐、抽搐
C. 患者平日有心悸、胸痛、劳力时气促、起立或运动时眩晕,查体:胸骨左缘第3~4肋间可闻及较粗糙的喷射性收缩期杂音,屏气时杂音增强
D. 患者1周前出现发热,全身无力,现自觉心悸、胸闷,查体:心率120次/分,偶可闻及室性早搏,实验室报告:CPGOT(AST)、LDH增高
E. 患者气急,端坐呼吸,查体:心脏增大,听诊可闻及第四心音奔马律,双下肢水肿,超声心动图报告:左心室腔明显扩大

Your network contains an Active Directory domain named contoso.com. You have a management computer named Computer1 that runs Windows 7. You need to forward the logon events of all the domain controllers in contoso.com to Computer1. All new domain controllers must be dynamically added to the subscription. What should you do()

A. From Computer1, configure source-initiated event subscriptions. From a Group Policy object (GPO) linked to the Domain Controllers organizational unit (OU), configure the Event Forwarding node.
B. From Computer1, configure collector-initiated event subscriptions. From a Group Policy object (GPO) linked to the Domain Controllers organizational unit (OU), configure the Event Forwarding node.
C. From Computer1, configure source-initiated event subscriptions. Install a serverauthentication certificate on Computer1. Implement autoenrollment for the Domain Controllers organizational unit (OU).
D. From Computer1, configure collector-initiated event subscriptions. Install a server authentication certificate on Computer1. Implement autoenrollment for the Domain Controllers organizational unit (OU).


A. 功能性饲料添加剂
B. 一般性饲料添加剂
C. 药物饲料添加剂
D. 营养性饲料添加剂
