


发展社会主义市场经济,要兼顾效率与公平。在下列选项中,体现再分配调节、实现社会公平的举措包括() ①加强国有企业高管薪酬管理 ②建立科技成果入股、岗位分红权激励办法 ③加大力度促进保障性住房供给 ④提高城乡居民最低生活保障标准

A. ①②
B. ①④
C. ②③
D. ③④


A. 保湿
B. 保温
C. 提温
D. 降温

In your production database, data manipulation language (DML) operations are executed on the SALES table.You have noticed some dubious values in the SALES table during the last few days. You are able to track users, actions taken, and the time of the action for this particular period but the changes in data are not tracked.You decide to keep track of both the old data and new data in the table along with the user information. Whataction would you take to achieve this task()

Apply fine-grained auditing.
B. Implement value-based auditing.
C. Impose standard database auditing to audit object privileges.
D. Impose standard database auditing to audit SQL statements.


A. 民主科学,自由平等
B. 民主共和,主权在民
C. 托古改制,变革维新
D. 开设议院,变法图存
