A. 乳腺癌
B. 乳腺肉瘤
C. 囊性增生病
D. 纤维腺瘤
E. 乳管内乳头状瘤
A. 检验、检测过程
B. 检验、检测结果和鉴定结论
C. 收费情况
A. 硬脊膜外麻醉
B. 针刺麻醉
C. 吸入全身麻醉
D. 静脉复合全身麻醉
E. 神经阻滞麻醉
A. 免疫球蛋白
B. 白蛋白
C. 反应蛋白
D. 纤维蛋白原
E. 转铁蛋白
Which of the following is the reason that the metacentric height is a valid measure of only the initial stability ().
A. The metacenter does not remain in the same position for large angles of inclination
B. The center of gravity shifts due to inclination
C. The center of gravity shifts above the metacenter as the vessel is inclined
D. The mean draft will change as the vessel is inclined