International travel is becoming easier, faster and cheaper for many people nowadays. Write a composition to discuss the advantages of the growth of international travel both for travelers and for the countries they visit. You are asked to give your own views and write in an appropriate style in 150 words. Write your answer on the answer sheet.
Alaska is disappearing slowly but surely. Since the 1950s, it is estimated that as much as
A. 规范企业经营行为,提高民航价格透明度,保护消费者合法权益
B. 建立通过市场竞争形成价格的机制,鼓励航空运输企业降低成本,拓展航空运输市场
C. 在适当的时候,放开民航运输企业定价自主权
D. 加强政府对价格活动的监督和调控,维护正常价格秩序
China is now experiencing the largest mass migration of people, an estimated 230 million (2010), from the countryside to cities in history. They’ve brought economy boom to cities and life improvement to their own families. However, this migration leaves land in the countryside uncultivated and children of migrant workers poorly educated. How do you think can the migration in China have a balanced development? Write your article in about 140 words in an appropriate style on the answer sheet.
A. 中央和省
B. 省市县
C. 中央、省、市
D. 各级地方政府