A person on a fixed, or floating platform. engaged in oil exploration, located 10 nautical miles from nearest land MAY discharge().
A. food waste
B. food, ground to less than 1 inch
C. paper, ground to less than 1 inch
D. None of the above
A. 在分析结构、材质等问题的同时,对建筑产品的必要功能进行定义
B. 首先确定建筑产品的设计方案,然后再进行功能分析和评价
C. 在分析功能的基础上,再去研究结构、材质等问题
D. 在分析结构、施工工艺的基础上确定建筑产品的功能
A. 芦荟苷
B. 巴豆苷
C. 红景天苷
D. 山慈菇苷A
E. 苦杏仁苷
The water level showing in a boiler water gauge glass is usually () duringworking.
A. higher than the actual drum water level
B. equal to the actual drum water level
C. increasing due to steam condensation in the glass
D. lower than actual drum wafer level
A. 发散.行气.行血
B. 收敛固涩
C. 软坚散结.泻下
D. 燥湿
E. 渗湿利水