
以下可使用25%基本税率计算企业所得税的有( )。

A. 在中国境内领取法人执照的甲商场的经营所得
B. 法国乙企业在上海设立的分公司,该分公司在我国的经营所得
C. 英国丙企业在北京设立代表处,但丙企业直接为我国深圳某企业咨询(未通过代表处)取得的所得
D. 在中国境内未设立机构场所的德国企业丁,向我国境内企业转让商标权的所得


注册地与实际管理机构所在地均在法国的某银行,取得的下列各项所得中,应按规定缴纳我国企业所得税的有( )。(2012年)

A. 转让位于我国的一处不动产取得的财产转让所得
B. 在香港证券交易所购入我国某公司股票后取得的分红所得
C. 在我国设立的分行为我国某公司提供理财咨询服务取得的服务费收入
D. 在我国设立的分行为位于日本的某电站提供流动资金贷款取得的利息收入

1 What made the author happy when she helped out in the kitchen?____________________________ made her happy when she helped out in the kitchen.2 Why would the author put Fred Hasbrook’s order in without him even needing to ask?Because __________________________________________..3 Why did some of the regular customers agree to lend her $50,000? Because they thought_______________.4. Did the author open her own restaurant with the $50,000?No, she went to_____________________________ .5 What did she do after all the money was lost?She worked as ____________________________________ five years later.6 Why did Fred write “I’m so glad I invested in you” in his letter?Because he could pay his medical bills with the money________________________.


财产保险核保流程中最核心的环节是( )

A. 业务员初审
B. 接受投保单
C. 风险评估调查
D. 签署核保意见
