
There's no extra charge 30 minutes if you use the public transportation card.

A. small
B. within
C. at
D. on


Walk that way, and take the first turnyour left, and you will find the escalator leading to the ground.

A. with
B. for
C. in
D. on

Python的随机函数模块为( )

A. random
B. Randoms
C. math
D. 以上均不是

已知card=[chr(i) for i in range(65,91)]中存放着26张字母牌,则可以利用( )完成洗牌操作。

A. import randomrandom.shuffle(card)
B. card.shuffle()
C. import randomrandom(card)
D. import randomrandom.choice(card)

已知有试题有4个选项,小明准备采用计算机抽签的方式来答题,其程序如下xx=[ i for i in range(1,5)]import random( )print(a)

A. a=random.choice(xx)
B. a=xx.choice()
C. a=xx[random.choice()]
D. 以上均不是
