
Studying in a foreign country is certainly a new 1 , but it also has some challenges for you. You will have difficulty in 2 to a new culture. There will be at least four essential stages of culture shock adjustment.The first stage is “the honeymoon”, when you will feel 3 about the new place. You will find everything and everybody so wonderful.The second stage is the “hostility stage”. You feel 4 and distressed about everything that seemed to be so wonderful at first. At this stage you develop various 5 mechanisms to protect you against the effect of culture shock. But these defense mechanisms can 6 you because they prevent you from making necessary adjustments to the new culture.The third stage of culture shock adjustment is called “ 7 ”. At this stage you recover from the __ 8 of the first two stages. The whole situation starts to become more 9 . You learn to accept the elements of the new culture.The last stage is called "adjustment". Now you feel 10 with the new culture and you have adjusted to it.注意:填字母,不填单词A) recoveryB) harmC) excitedD) comfortableE) experienceF) defenseG) symptomsH) unfavorableI) exhaustedJ) helpK) favorableL) troubleM) adaptingN) overcomeO) enjoy


关于胎盘早剥,下列叙述正确的是( )。

A. 孕妇贫血程度与阴道出血量成正比
B. 以无诱因、无痛性反复阴道流血为特征
C. 是妊娠早期的一种严重出血性并发症
D. 确诊后可选择期待疗法
E. Ⅲ度胎盘早剥孕妇的子宫硬如硬状,有压痛

孕妇诊断完全性前置胎盘,终止妊娠最主要的方法是( )。

A. 剖宫产术
B. 阴道自然分娩
C. 阴道分娩行会阴侧切术
D. 阴道分娩产钳助产术
E. 阴道分娩胎吸助产

胎盘早剥是由孕妇血管病变导致出血,血液流至下列( )形成血肿。

A. 包蜕膜
B. 壁蜕膜
C. 真蜕膜
D. 底蜕膜
E. 羊膜

胎膜早破最常见的病因是( )。

A. 生殖道感染
B. 羊膜腔压力增高
C. 胎膜受力不均
D. 缺乏维生素C
E. 细胞因子IL-6、IL-8、TNF-α升高
