A. Themancouldbuyashirtofadifferentcolor.
B. Thesizeoftheshirtisallrightfortheman.
C. Thesizethemanwantswillarrivesoon.
D. Themancouldcomesometimelater.
Whydoestheman's suitseemunusualaccordingtotheconversation?()
A. Becausethejacketdoesnotsuithim.
C. Becausethejacketistoodark.
D. Becausethejacketandpantsdonotfittogether.
When speakers of English are speaking, they pronounce each word as clearly as possible. ( )
A. 对
B. 错
Speakers of English join words together by blending or joining the last sound of a word with the initial sound of the following word. ( )
A. 对
B. 错