对“素质”的理解,不正确的是( )。
A. 人通过后勤的培养、塑造、锻炼而获得的人格某方面的性质特点
B. 它是一个人在社会生活中思想与行为的具体表现
C. 又被成为“能力”、“资质”、“才干”
D. 往往以人种和地域等相联系
This is Mrs.Stevenson, Room 1872.I’ve just checked _______ and I’m not satisfied with my room.
A. out
B. of
C. on
D. in
My sister is poor at memorizing new words. Can you give her some ________ ?
A. suggestion
B. advice
C. reason
D. idea
________ students like playing football.
A. Much
B. Much too
C. Number of
D. A number of