

A. 对
B. 错


复数A=j6 的极坐标形式是A=6∠90°

A. 对
B. 错

Listen to a dialogue and decode the message by finding out the correct choices in brackets according to what you have heard.[音频]Pat 1(Alice, Alex, Alison) came to see Li Hong. They talked about the party last night and the weather. Pat didn’t go to the party because it was so cold and 2(windy, rainy, snowy) . It seemed that he didn’t like the weather here. When Li Hong suggested a3 (walk, talk, work) in the afternoon, Pat thought it was too cold to go out for it was4(fourteen, thirteen, sixteen) degrees Celsius. Li Hong didn’t agree. She said in winter, the weather could be much colder. Last winter, it was 5(three, six, seven) degrees below zero for three 6 (weeks, days, months) and very windy.

撰写一份个人职业生涯规划计划书,针对自己的实际情况按要求完成,内容包括以下几个方面,语言表述清楚,逻辑准确,字数800字以上。内容:•(一)题目包括姓名、年限、年龄跨度、起止日期如:吴莉十年职业生涯规划2005年—2015年 21岁­—30岁•(二)个人基本资料性别、学校、专业、年级、出生地、身高、体重、健康状况、主要学习和工作经历•(三)自我评估能力、人格、兴趣、价值观•(四)环境评估社会环境、行业环境、职业环境•(五)职业目标目标的分解(时间、性质)与组合•(六)实施步骤与时间


A. PI=(PKa1+PKa2)/2
B. PI=(PKa1+PKa3)/2
C. PI=(PKa2+PKa3)/2
D. PI=(PKa1+PKa2+PKa3)/2
