
Choose the suitable definition for the underlined word in each sentence.There’s just a faint chance that the weather will improve by tomorrow. I would rather wait until a nice day.

A. difficult to see, hear, smell, etc.
B. (of possibility) very small or slight


Sometimes when I do not feel well, I will feel my head spinning.

A. to have the sensation of turning in circles
B. to turn round and round quickly

Mother told me the cake batter (面糊) must be stirred for 10 minutes, so I kept moving it around for 10 minutes.

A. to move sth. around with a spoon or stick in order to mix it together
B. to be moved slightly because of the wind

Sometimes he recalls those happy days when he taught his little son to play baseball.

A. to ask or order to return
B. to remember

To the best of my

A. something remembered
B. the ability to remember
