
Questions 5 to 7 will be based on News Item 3.[音频]5

A. Because traffic on the road was light when the quake occurred.
Because the city's buildings and highways were made more resistant to quakes.
C. Because the city's residents were well educated about earthquakes.
D. Both Aand B.



A. Steel and other strong metals.
B. Steel and rubber.
C. Steel and some special alloys(合金).
D. Various metals and plastics.


A. Counterbalancing an earthquake's action on the building.
B. Predicting the coming of an earthquake with accuracy.
C. Helping strengthen the foundation of the building.
D. Measuring the impact of an earthquake's vibrations.

斜截面抗剪承载力计算时,当V< 0.7ftbh0时 ()

A. 表面截面尺寸太小
B. 按构造要求配置箍筋
C. 按计算配箍筋
D. 不需配置箍筋

梁内箍筋过少,易发生下列哪种破坏? ()

A. 斜压破坏
B. 斜拉破坏
C. 剪压破坏
D. 弯压破坏
