18. What does the speaker say about study in college?It is going to be .
19. What entertainment events does the speaker mention?Plays, festivals, debates,and many more fun activities.
20. What does the speaker tell the students at the end of the speech?They are going to make a decision of their.
s1=0;s2=0;n1=0;n2=0; x=[1,-4,-8,3,10,-9,7,-3,10,8,-5,-2,2,0]; m=length(x); fori=1:m if x(i)<0 s1=s1+x(i);n1=n1+1; else s2=s2+x(i);n2=n2+1; end end 以上程序运行后s1、s2的值分别为
A. 6,8
B. ‘-4,1
C. ’-31,41
D. 1,-4
s1=0;s2=0;n1=0;n2=0; x=[1,-4,-8,3,10,-9,7,-3,10,8,-5,-2,2,0]; m=length(x); fori=1:m if x(i)<0 s1=s1+x(i);n1=n1+1; else s2=s2+x(i);n2=n2+1; end end 以上程序运行后n1、n2的值为
A. 6,8
B. ‘-4,1
C. ’-31,41
D. 1,-4