A. 共性寓于个性之中
B. 没有离开共性的个性
C. 没有离开个性的共性
D. 任何现实存在的事物的矛盾都是共性和个性的有机统一
教学要“因材施教”,其哲学依据是 ( )
A. 矛盾具有特殊性
B. 事物具有共性
C. 具体问题具体分析
D. 事物具有个性
The Constitution of the United States was framed in _____ in 1787.
A. Washington
C. New York
D. Philadelphia
FBI and Federal Prisons are among the responsibilities of the Department of _______.
A. State
B. Defense
C. Justice
D. Commerce
The Secret Service is also part of the ______ Department.
A. Judicial
B. Treasury
C. Defense
D. Interior