
0f the following functions,which is NOT possessed by the navigation computer?

A. Showing a map 0f the region a driver plans to drive through
B. Predicting a car crash 0n the road.
C. Getting information about road construction,weather conditions,and traffic jams.
D. Showing the car’s position at all times and displaying it on the map.


Soap operas have helped in lowering Brazil’s birth rate because________.

A. they keep people sitting long hours watching TV
B. they have gradually changes people’s way of life
C. people ale drawn t0 their attractive paekage
D. they popularize birth control measures

What kind of an engine did the Hyper X use?

A jet engine that gets oxygen from the air.
B. A scramjet engine that doesn’t carry its own 0xygen supply.
C. A rocket engine that carries its own supply of 0xygen.
D. A jet engine that uses no oxygen.


A. 1992年1月31日
B. 1991年8月1日
C. 1993年8月28日
D. 1991年8月28日


A. 胃镜
C. X线腹部平片
D. 淀粉酶
E. 脂肪酶
