You will experience its _______ when you climb up Taishan.登临泰山时,你就会体会到它的险峻。
_______ go up the mountain from the foot. The _______ goes up to the _______ of the mountain. Thousands of steps go up the side of the _______mountain.泰山山体犹如阶梯。中路直达山顶。成千上万的台阶沿陡峭的山势向上。
You will experience its _______ when you _________ Taishan.当你攀登泰山时,你就会体会到它的险峻。
Interesting _______ and trees stand on both sides of the _______ .沿途密布奇峰和树木。
You can enjoy the beautiful _______ and _________at the _______ of Taishan .你可以在泰山的峰顶享受美丽的日出和云海。