孙子主张战争制胜的基础是经济和后勤上的较量。Sun Tzu ____ that competition between ____ and ____ is the nature of war.
国富民强才能取得战争的胜利,否则会给本国人民带来巨大的伤害。Only if the ____ and its people are strong enough will they win the war, ____ the war will bring ____ the nation and people.
战争取胜的关键是要随时随地掌握的信息。on your enemies is the ___ to winning wars.
要像熟悉自己一样熟悉敌人,随时根据敌人的行动改变作战部署赢得战争的胜利。The victorious general must ____ his enemies just as with himself, and direct troops according to the newest situation.
战争制胜的最高境界是不使用武力就能使敌人投降。The ____ art of war is to subdue the enemy ___.