

A. 丹参
B. 益母草
C. 桃仁
D. 红花
E. 乳香


I'm going to tell you about _________ step problem solving when your shoes untied what do you do if you're like me you bend over and tie it.

A. six
B. seven
C. eight
D. nine

if your customer service center is overwhelmed with calls, you might say "_________________________".

A. simple problem difficult solution
B. simple problem simple solution
C. difficult question simple solution
D. difficultquestion simple solution

Step six is "_______________" , the idea of that is we've gone through a lot of work to get the solution.

A. evaluation of effects
B. cause analysis
C. definition
D. standardization


A. 查找与替换内容不能是特殊格式文字
B. 查找与替换不能对段落格式进行操作
C. 能查找并替换段落标记、分页符
D. 查找与替换可以对指定格式进行操作
