导线过长或截面积过小都会造成较大的电压降,但可使启动机的功率增大。( )
冬天如果能将蓄电池适当保温,就可以 提高启动功率,改善启动机性能。( )
A. 对
B. 错
启动机在主电路接通后,保持线圈被短路。( )
A. 对
B. 错
电磁开关一般固定在启动机机壳上,其作用是接通和切断启动机的主电路。( )
A. 对
B. 错
Point out the rhetorical device(s) used in each sentence. Choose the corresponding capital letter. (提示:选择每句话使用的修辞手法,作答时只填写相应修辞前的大写字母即可。)A. metaphor B. metonymy C. alliteration D. synecdoche E. antithesisF. euphemismG. simile1. Keelboats, flatboats, and large rafts carried the first major commerce.2. From them all Mark Twain gained a keen perception of the human race, of the difference between what people claim to be and what they really are.3.For eight months he flirted with the colossal wealth available to the lucky and the persistent, and was rebuffed.4. But for making money, his pen would prove mightier than his pickax.5. It was a splendid population—for all the slow, sleepy, sluggish-brained sloths stayed at home.6. He commented with a crushing sense of despair on men's final release from earthly struggles.7. The cast of characters set before him in his new profession was rich and varied.8.She will marry John Thomas who hasmossy teeth in an earnest face.9.Hair is all over his head a foot long and hanging from his chin like a kinky mule tail.10.Johnny Carson has much to do to keep up with my quick and witty tongue.