Today I want them to show me why television is soto them. Now I understand why TV is a bigto my students.
A. tempt, temptation
B. entice, enticing
C. tempting, temptation
D. attracting
For various stories of mine ,I’ve crawled into black-bear dens for Sports.
A. interpret
B. explain
C. illustrated
D. illustrate
Which do you think is the advantage of Country life?
A. Fresh air
B. Fierce competition
C. Better education
D. Over-population
Which is the purpose of using Comparison and contrast paragraphs?
A. To point out similarities and differences or advantages and disadvantages,
B. To present information about something unfamiliar by comparing it with something familiar;
C. To show the superiority of one thing by contrasting it with another
D. To show the similarities or differences of two things to help the readers evaluate them.
A. 对
B. 错