A company must allocate annual after-tax profits to the statutory common reserve fund on distribution. What is the percentage to be allocated?
A. 5%
B. 10%
C. 15%
在下列美学家中,分析美学的代表是 ()
A. 桑塔亚那
B. 托马斯.门罗
C. 维特根斯坦
D. 克罗齐
A. 其他业务创新主要包括票据发行便利和融资租赁业务创新
B. 融资租赁是具有融资、融物双重职能的交易
C. 票据发行便利可以使企业通过发行短期票据获得中长期资金
D. 票据发行便利增加了企业获得资金的成本
Under which of the following circumstances may employees dissolve a labour contract?
A. The employer is declared bankrupt
B. The business licence of the employer has been revoked by the government
C. The employer is ordered to close its business by a competent court
D. The employer fails to provide labour protection or working conditions specified in the labour contract