介词填空1.Amy’s grandfather comes _______ Italy.2. Do you like listening _______ music?3. He likes jogging _______ campus every morning.4. Look at those people! They have good jobs _______ the city and big houses _______ the country.5. The girl _______ long hair is my classmate
介词填空1. My American friend is learning to eat _______ chopsticks.2. We usually go shopping _______ Saturday.3. People want a home _______ the Internet.4. Children’s Day is _______ the first day of June.5. She never buys books. She often borrows books _______ the school library.
写出同义句1. Many supermarkets accept credit cards.At many supermarkets you ___________ credit card.2. My sister borrowed the novel from me.I ___________ my sister the novel.3. How much does the book cost?What is ___________ the book?4. I hope my brother returns the car to me soon.I hope my brother ___________ back the car soon.5. The theatre has two cafés.There ___________ in the theatre.
铁路以一节车皮为运输单元的货物运输方式称为( )。
A. 集装箱运输
B. 整车运输
C. 零担运输
D. 行包运输
铁路运输适合于( )。
A. 大批量货物,近距离运输
B. 小批量货物,远距离运输
C. 小批量货物,近距离运输
D. 大批量货物,远距离运输