

A. 由脂肪组织向肝脏转运游离脂酸
B. 由肠向肝转运吸收的脂肪
C. 由肝向肝外组织转运内源性合成的脂类
D. 由肝向肝外组织转运胆固醇以便细胞利用
E. 由肝外组织向肝脏转运胆固醇并进行转化



A. 肾脏
B. 脂肪组织
C. 肠粘膜
D. 血浆
E. 肝脏


A. 正常人空腹血浆中基本上不存在
B. 运输外源性甘油三酯到肝脏和其它组织
C. 其所含的载脂蛋白主要是apoB100
D. 主要由小肠粘膜细胞合成
E. 蛋白质含量最少的血浆脂蛋白


A. 油酸
B. 亚油酸
C. 亚麻酸
D. 花生四烯酸
E. 以上都不是

Understanding a passageDirections: Listen to a passage and choose the best answer from the four choices provided for each question.1A) They preferred to stay in the clean section.B) They preferred to stay in the empty section.C) They preferred to stay in the natural section.D) They preferred to stay in the unnatural section.2A) They gave all the fish in the fish tank some painkilling shots.B) They put painkilling medicine in the water of both sides of the fish tank.C) They put painkilling medicine in the water of the natural side of the fish tank.D) They put painkilling medicine in the water of the empty side of the fish tank.3A) Fish that received the painful shot stayed in the natural section.B) Fish that received the painful shot moved into the empty section.C) All of the fish stayed in the natural section with plants and rocks.D) All of the fish moved into the empty section with painkilling medicine.4A) Fish can’t feel pain when they receive shots.B) Fish can experience pain and try to reduce it.C) Fish like to swim in an unnatural environment.D) Fish like to swim in a less pleasing environment.[音频]
