
Porter’s Five Forces model did not recognize one force, which is()

A. the power of complement providers
B. the risk of entry by potential competitors
C. the intensity of rivalry among established companies within an industry
D. the bargaining power of suppliers
E. the threat of substitutes


_____ refers to the investment that shareholders make in a company that cannot be recovered if the company fails and goes bankrupt()

A. Profitability
B. Shareholder value
C. Debt
D. Risk capital
E. Dividend payments

在水工图中,将视向逆水流方向所得到的立面图称为什么?In the hydraulic diagram, what is the elevation projectioning from the inverse direction of flow called()

A. 下游立面图downstream elevation
B. 上游立面图upstream elevations
C. 左视图left view
D. 纵剖视图longitudinal sectional view

三视图采用的投影方法是什么? What is the projection method of three views()

A. 斜投影法 oblique projection method
B. 平行投影法 parallel projection method
C. 正投影法 orthographic projection method
D. 轴测投影 axonometric projection method

Read the following statements about the impacts of a particular book on the author, and decide which choice could serve as the author’s reflection()

A. The author, Marilyn Fridey, describes the lives of several women from the 1950’s to present. Though I couldn’t remember the dream, I came to a profound realization. Myra’s life was my mothers
B. Reading of Myra’s evolution as a female changed the way I feel towards myself, my feelings and compassion for my mother, and provided me with a much more sensitive view towards the lives of many women in our society today
C. /
D. /
