《送瘟神》是毛泽东看到了关于哪个地方的防治血吸虫病的成绩报道后而创作的?( )
A. 上海青浦县
B. 浙江杭州市
C. 安徽贵池县
D. 江西余江县
《送瘟神》中“天连五岭银锄落,地动三河铁臂摇”表达的是( )
A. 人民群众齐心协力除钉螺的运动场面
B. 广阔中华大地上劳动者庆祝成功喜悦的场面
C. 血吸虫病残害下农民群众无力劳作的情景
D. 作者想象的“瘟神”来袭的零落场景
Complete the sentences with suitable prepositions.
Complete the sentences with suitable expressions from the collocation box. Make changes where necessary. Sometimes more than one collocation is possible.verbsverbs which often go before:abilitydemonstratedeveloploseattentioncalldrawdistractideaexchangehaveshareadjectivesadjectives which often go before:competence conversationalcommunicativeprofessional