[音频]【单选题】Question 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.Question 3: For what purpose did the staff at a supermarket in Melbourne sign a letter?
A. To appeal for higher wages.
B. To demand better health care.
C. To call for a permanent security guard.
D. To dismiss the bad-tempered supervisor.
【单选题】 Question 4: What did the spokesman of the supermarket say regarding the employees’ demand?
A. It had already taken strong action.
B. It would put customers’ needs first.
C. It would take their appeal seriously.
D. It was seeking help from the police.
下列对卫气的描述不正确的是:( )
A. 具有防御功能
B. 居于脉内
C. 居于脉外
D. 温养功能
A. 人是一个有机整体
B. 人与社会环境统一
C. 人与自然环境统一
D. 只是人体自身整体性