Switzerland is a land well-known for its beautiful 1._____. When people think of Switzerland they often think of mountains and mountain 2._____. But Switzerland is more than a land of mountains. It is a country of highly 3._____ and hardworking people. The Swiss are able to produce goods that do not need huge amounts of 4._____ materials. Most of the raw materials used in their industries are 5.______ from other countries. As Switzerland has no sea 6.______, it has to pay heavily for imported raw materials which have to be sent over long 7._____. For this reason, the Swiss are interested only in producing precision products like watches, cameras, and other types of goods which make use of their skill and 8._____. The well-known Swiss watch industry is a good example of this. Small 9._____ of raw materials are used but a great deal of skill and 10.______ is needed to produce a little item with so many 11. ______ parts.
A. 李白
B. 杜甫
C. 卢仝
D. 苏轼
A. 李白
B. 元稹
C. 卢仝
D. 杜甫
A. 宋代黄庭坚的《煎茶赋》对饮茶的功效、品茶的格调、佐茶的宜忌,作了生动的描述。
B. 《红楼梦》小说中提到的茶种有五款:龙井茶、普洱茶、老君茶、女儿茶和枫露茶。
C. 唐寅字伯虎,所绘茶画有《烹茶画卷》、《琴士图卷》、《品茶图》、《事茗图》等,其中以《事茗图》最享誉盛名
D. 唐代诗人卢仝所作的《走笔谢孟谏议寄新茶》,描述诗人饮茶一碗至七碗时的不同体验