Xiao Chen had a similar experience. After he finished smoking in a park, he _____________ the cigarette butt because he did not want the cigarette butt to cause a _________ to other people.
However, a man who walked past told him that it was not ____________.
Both Xiao Wang and Xiao Chen could not understand why other people found their actions __________.
They thought that there were a lot of ____________ people in the world.
下列固定资产应计提折旧的有( )。
A. 融资租入的固定资产
B. 按规定单独估价作为固定资产入账的土地
C. 大修理停用的固定资产
D. 持有待售的固定资产
E. 未使用的机器设备、房屋及建筑物