根据《建筑业企业资质管理规定》, 说法正确的是( ).
A. 建筑业企业资质分为施工总承包资质、专业承包资质、施工劳务资质三个序列
B. 国务院办公厅负责全国建筑业企业资质的统一监督管理
C. 省级人民政府负责本行政区域内建筑业企业资质的统一监督管理
D. 企业违反建筑业企业资质规定,违法行为发生地的市级以上地方人民政府,住房城乡建设主管部门,应当依法查处
On the train, you use your cell phone to call a co-worker about a meeting.
A. 对
B. 错
Without realizing it, you've left a trace of information easily accessible to others starting back at the subway station.
A. 对
B. 错
It doesn't matter because people you don't know don't have access to your information.
A. 对
B. 错
Your information can be divided into two categories—active and passive.
A. 对
B. 错