

A. 拔除左侧下颌第三磨牙
B. 下颌骨死骨刮除术
C. 左侧下颌第三磨牙作牙髓治疗
D. 左侧下颌第三磨牙作牙周治疗
E. 继续抗感染治疗



A. CT扫描
C. 肝穿刺抽脓
D. 抗阿米巴诊断性治疗
E. 阿米巴血清学检查


A. 右肾切除
B. 右肾造瘘
C. 右肾切开取石
D. 继续消炎治疗
E. 体外震波碎石

某汽车库,建筑面积为3999m2,地下共1层,层高3.60m,地下汽车库地面标高至室外地面的距离不大于10m。车库可停车101辆,划分2个防火分区,2个防烟分区。车库设人员疏散口2个,设汽车疏散口2个,汽车出入口均设防火卷帘。该汽车库消防供电负荷为二级,并设有火灾自动报警系统、自动喷水灭火系统、室内外消火栓给水系统、机械排烟系统、应急照明和疏散指示标志、挡烟垂壁及建筑灭火器等消防设施。 根据以上场景,回答下列问题。 简述消防水枪的抗跌落性能的判定方法。

You install a SCSI adapter and a SCSI tape drive on your Windows 2000 Professional computer. You start the computer and Windows 2000 Professional detects and installs drivers for the new SCSI devices. Later the same day, you restart your computer. During the startup process, the computer stops loading Windows 2000 Professional. You then restart the computer and it stops again. You want to enable your Windows 2000 Professional computer to start successfully. What should you do?()

A. Start the computer in Safe Mode. Enable driver signing.
B. Start the computer in Safe Mode. Use Device Manager to remove the SCSI tape device.
C. Start the computer by using the Recovery Console. Repair the Master Boot Record by using the fixmbr command.
D. Start the computer by using the Recovery Console. Disable the SCSI adapter device driver by using the disable command.
