
In a Java EE messaging application, one MDB is consuming a lot of memory at high traffic. What configuration should you use to prevent possible out-of-memory error at high traffic and at the same time not losing messages?()

A. Configure a Work Manager for the MDB with a Maximum Thread Constraint.
B. Configure a Work Manager for the MDB with a Minimum Thread Constraint.
Configure a Work Manager for the MDB with a Maximum Thread Constraint and a Capacity Constraint.
D. Configure a Work Manager for the MDB with a Minimum Thread Constraint and a Capacity Constraint.
E. Configure a Work Manager for the MDB with both a Maximum Thread Constraint and Minimum Thread Constraint.




A. 5‰
B. 6‰
C. 7‰
D. 9&permil



A. 脚手架搭设作业
B. 基坑开挖作业
C. 桩机作业
D. 起重吊装作业
E. 脚手架拆除作业
F. 露天高处作业
