



阅读理解:请根据短文内容,为每题确定l个最佳选项。 How We Form First Impression。 We all have first impression of someone we just met. But why? Why do we form an opinion about someone without really knowing anything about him or her - aside perhaps from a few remarks or readily observable traits? The answer is related to how your brain allows you to be aware of the world. Your brain is so sensitive in picking up facial traits. Even very minor difference in how a person’s eyes, ears, nose, or mouth are placed in relation to each other makes you see him or her as different. In fact, your brain continuously processes incoming sensory information - the sights and sounds of your world. These incoming signals are compared against a host of “memories” stored in the brain areas called the cortex(皮质) system to determine what these new signals “mean”. If you see someone you know and like at school, your brain says “familiar and safe”. If you see someone new, it says, “new and potentially threatening”. Then your brain starts to match features of this strangers with other “known” memories. The more unfamiliar the characteristics, the more your brain may say, “This is new, I don’t like this person” Or else, “I’m intrigued(好奇的)”. Or your brain may perceive a new face but familiar clothes, ethnicity, gestures - like your other friends; so your brain says: “I like this person”. But these preliminary impressions can be dead wrong. When we stereotype people, we use a less mature form of thinking (not unlike the immature thinking of a very young child) that makes simplistic and categorical impressions of others. Rather than learn about the depth and breadth of people - their history, interest, values, strengths, and true character - we categorize them as jocks(骗子), peeks(反常的人), or freaks(怪人). However, if we resist initial stereotypical impressions, we have a chance to be aware of what a person is truly like. If we spend time with a person, hear about his or her life, hopes, dreams, and become aware of our cortex, which allow us to be humane.The word “preliminary” in Paragraph 3 is closet in meaning to_______.

A. simplistic.
B. stereotypical.
C. initial
D. categorical


2013年3月2日,A公司与B公司签订了一份100万元的设备买卖合同。该合同约定:A公司于3月3日向B公司签发一张金额为人民币15万元的银行承兑汇票作为定金;B公司于3月10日交付设备;A公司于B公司交付设备之日起3日内付清货款;任何一方违约,应当依照合同金额的20%向守约方支付违约金。3月3日,A公司向B公司签发了一张已由C银行承兑的金额为15万元的银行承兑汇票,B公司在收到该汇票后,于3月4日将其背书转让给D公司,D公司已经支付了对价。3月10日,B公司未向A公司交付设备,经A公司催告后至3月15日,B公司仍未交货,A公司遂于3月18日另行购买了设备,并通知B公司解除合同,要求B公司双倍返还定金30万元,同时支付违约金20万元。B公司收到A公司通知后未就解除合同提出异议,但不同意A公司提出的双倍返还定金和支付违约金的要求。4月5日,D公司在该汇票到期日向C银行提示付款,C银行以买卖合同已经解除为由拒绝支付票据款。2013年5月1日,A公司为更新改造生产设备向C银行贷款1500万元,借款期限为1年,A公司以自己的一套流水线提供抵押,另外,由甲公司为A公司的贷款提供保证,甲公司与C银行签订保证合同,但未明确约定保证的形式。双方约定的保证期间为"甲公司承担保证责任,直至A公司的本息还清时为止"。2014年5月1日,A公司无法清偿上述C银行的贷款,C银行向甲公司要求清偿,甲公司主张应先就A公司提供的流水线拍卖价款清偿,不足的部分再由自己承担。经查,A公司C银行订立的抵押合同和甲公司与C银行订立的保证合同中,均未约定各自的担保份额和责任承担顺序。 要求:根据上述内容,分别回答下列问题。 (1)A公司解除合同的主张是否符合《合同法》的规定?并说明理由。 (2)A公司要求B公司双倍返还定金30万元,同时支付违约金20万元是否符合《合同法》的规定?并说明理由。 (3)C银行以买卖合同已经解除为由拒绝支付票款的理由是否成立?并说明理由。 (4)甲公司为A公司的借款提供保证的形式是什么?并说明理由。 (5)甲公司的保证期间应如何界定?并说明理由。 (6)甲公司提出先就A公司提供的抵押物清偿,不足的部分再由自己承担的说法是否符合《物权法》的规定?并说明理由。
