A. 正确 B. 错误
A. 一次大剂量照射所需的剂量上不去 B. 一次照射正常组织损伤太大 C. 分次照射可以用大的总剂量,更好地杀伤肿瘤 D. 分次照射可以根据病人具体情况及时调整治疗方案 E. 肿瘤细胞的乏氧合有利于正常组织的修复
A. Hardware such as logistics facilities and equipment (logistics carriers) are needed B. Information control and standardization C. Supports from the government and logistics association D. All of them
A. 葡萄糖 B. 果糖 C. 蔗糖 D. 麦芽糖 E. 乳糖